A DEADLY EDITION (Blue Ridge Library 5)

Book FIVE in the Blue Ridge Library Mystery series.

Published by Crooked Lane Books, Dec. 8, 2020.

Available in hardcover, eBook, and audio book formats. 



“‘Til death do us part” could be closer than the bride realizes in Victoria Gilbert’s tantalizing fifth Blue Ridge Library mystery.

The pursuit to acquire a rare illustrated book turns deadly, and on the eve of her upcoming wedding, library director Amy Webber is drawn into a web of treachery and betrayal that could derail her happy day–and maybe just claim her life.

Planning a wedding can be murder–sometimes literally. At a party celebrating their upcoming nuptials, Taylorsford, Virginia library director Amy Webber and her fiancé Richard Muir discover the body of art dealer Oscar Selvaggio–a bitter rival of their host, Kurt Kendrick.

Both had been in a heated battle to purchase a rare illustrated volume created by William Morris’s Kelmscott Press, so suspicion immediately falls upon Kurt. Amy knows that Kurt has a closet-full of skeletons from his past–but she can’t believe he’s guilty of murder.

Amidst an avalanche of wedding preparations, Amy begins an investigation with the help of her aunt Lydia Talbot and the new mayor of Taylorsford, Sunshine “Sunny” Fields. Much to Lydia’s
dismay, her boyfriend, art expert Hugh Chen, becomes convinced of Kurt’s guilt and launches an investigation of his own. As the case hits painfully close to home, the stakes become impossibly high–and the danger all too real.


“Endearing characters are further fleshed out in the library director’s fifth mystery.” — KIRKUS

“Lively small-town characters, a well-paced plot, and dollops of fascinating art history help make this a winner.” –PUBLISHERS WEEKLY

“A Deadly Edition has mystery, romance, intrigue, and humor . . . The mystery was complex which I just loved and I enjoyed the dramatic reveal.”
~The Avid Reader

“Ms. Gilbert maintains a good balance between the mystery (or mysteries) and the details of Amy’s life, from her everyday work at the library to wedding prep, and the book concludes on a very happy note indeed. I read it when I was feeling a little blue about the upcoming holidays, and it was just the treat I needed.”
~The Bookwyrm’s Hoard

“The mystery within A Deadly Edition is a real puzzler. With plenty of suspects and some twists along the way, Amy and Sunny have their work cut out for them, as do you, armchair detectives!”

“Fun characters, a mystery that makes you think, and a beautiful wedding make A Deadly Edition a very solid addition to the series.”
~Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book

“Amy is one of my favorite amateur detectives. She is smart and has a great deductive instinct. I enjoyed watching her solve the mystery and following the turns before the killer was revealed.”
~View from the Birdhouse

“A DEADLY EDITION is a heartwarming and ultimately uplifting mystery that proves that while the past may shape you, love will triumph.”
~Cozy Up With Kathy

“A perfect blend of sleuthing, life, and wedding fun that will keep you captivated until the sweet end that will almost have you in tears of happiness. A must read for cozy fans. I totally loved it so I give it 5/5 stars.”

— Books A Plenty Book Reviews

“The well plotted and character driven story moves quickly and has something for everyone.  There is danger, mystery and romance.  As for the conclusion-it was a total surprise. I found A DEADLY EDITION to be well worth reading.  Highly recommended.”

— Fresh Fiction