Some Changes

You may have already noticed a change to my website. Now, instead of highlighting only my mysteries, it includes more focus on my other (fantasy) books and stories.

I recently decided to re-brand my two fantasy books currently in-print — CROWN OF ICE and SCEPTER OF FIRE — with my Victoria Gilbert author name. These books will be re-published under my Gilbert author name very soon! I also have a fantasy short story that will be published under Victoria Gilbert in a new anthology from Snowy Wings Publishing. (The anthology, A Touch of Magic, will release on July 30, 2019).

I am changing over all my books to one name so that I can promote them more easily, and not have to worry with multiple websites or social media accounts. I also hope to publish more fantasy, along with more mystery books, in the future, and want my Victoria Gilbert brand to encompass both.

One thing my readers should know is that, regardless of genre, my books will NEVER feature explicit sex, extreme violence, or extensive use of profanity (if any). So have no fear about switching between my genres — if you are comfortable with one, the other will be fine too.

I am excited about this new change, and I hope you will be too.